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Hangzhou,  CN  


Design & Manufacture: YAANK 
Structure: YAANK LAB

In Zhuangzi's "Journey to the North", it is said that "Heaven and earth have great beauty but do not speak, the four seasons have clear laws but do not instrument, all things have become reason but do not say". In the eyes of our ancestors, a year is not just a simple spring, summer, autumn and winter, but 24 picturesque names that string together our distinctive four seasons.


"Dimensionality" is the result of YAANK's observation and reflection on the "twenty-four solar terms" and its three perspectives of "carrier, energy and information".


24 Solar Terms


The twenty-four solar terms are the knowledge system and social practice formed by the Chinese people by observing the annual movement of the sun and understanding the changing laws of seasons, climate, phenology and other aspects of the year. It is the product of the ancient farming civilization and has guided traditional Chinese agricultural production and daily life for thousands of years.
As far back as the Spring and Autumn Period, the ancient Chinese sages set the four solar terms of mid-spring, mid-summer, mid-autumn and mid-winter, and continued to improve and perfect them in the future. By the Qin and Han dynasties, the twenty-four solar terms had been fully established and had become a supplementary calendar in ancient China to guide farming.


In the international meteorological circle, the 24 solar terms are known as "China's fifth greatest invention".


"Twenty-four solar terms" are based on the position of the sun on the ecliptic (the orbit of the earth revolving around the sun), which is the metric coordinate (longitude) on the ecliptic. According to astronomical conventions, the vernal equinox is measured from west to east, divided into 360 degrees. The ancients divided the 360 degrees of the ecliptic longitude of the sun into 24 equal parts, each of 15 degrees, and each 15 degrees is a solar term. The number of days between the two solar terms is about 15 days, and there are 24 solar terms throughout the year.


The twenty-four solar terms scientifically reveal the laws of astronomical and meteorological changes. It combines astronomy, natural rhythms and folk customs ingeniously, and generates a large number of related seasonal culture, which has become an important part of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation. In order to more accurately express the characteristics of the time sequence, the ancients divided the solar terms into four groups according to climate and phenology. "Fen" means the spring equinox and autumn equinox, which was called "two points" in ancient times; "Zhi" means the summer solstice and winter solstice, which was called "two solstice" in ancient times; "Qi" means the beginning of spring and beginning of summer, and "Bi" means the beginning of autumn and beginning of winter. Beginning of Spring, Beginning of Summer, Beginning of Autumn and Beginning of Winter are collectively referred to as the "Si li", which add up to "eight festivals". It is called "Four Seasons and Eight Festivals" or "Eight Seasons of the Year" among the people. In the long farming society, the twenty-four solar terms have played an important role in guiding agricultural activities and have rich cultural connotations.


chūn yǔ jīng chūn qīng gǔ tiān , xià mǎn máng xià shǔ xiāng lián ,
qiū chǔ lù qiū hán shuāng jiàng , dōng xuě xuě dōng xiǎo dà hán ,
shàng bàn nián lái liù niàn yī , xià bàn nián shì bā niàn sān ,
měi yuè liǎng jié bù biàn gēng , zuì duō xiāng chà yī liǎng tiān ...


The twenty-four solar term songs connect our perception of the sequence of the four seasons and the prosperity of all things. Countless poems and design works are derived from the solar terms, making daily life more enjoyable...
”wēi yǔ zhòng huì xīn , yī léi jīng zhé shǐ . tián jiā jī rì xián, gēng zhǒng cóng cǐ qǐ . “This poem by Wei Yingwu, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, expresses the rhythm and rhythm of the Chinese people's "sense of time and things". The beginning of spring, bites the ‘spring’, the spring divides, erect the egg, the grain rain fights the tea, and the beginning of the winter eats the sugarcane...reflects the wisdom of the Chinese nation to respect nature and adapt to the weather.



YAANK takes the twenty-four solar terms as the intention carrier, and uses color and light to interpret the understanding of the twenty-four solar terms.


Design & Production

The from of “dimensionality” adopts the “Round sky and Square land”that the ancients have always believed in as its presentation method. “Round sky”refers to the “time of the sky that repeats itself like sixty years of age; and the “Square land” is derived from the “square” concept of “southeast, northwest,” which describes orientation.

“Round sky and Square land”embodies the concept of time and space of the ancient Chinese, and describes the natural laws of the universe. Therefore, the ancients believed that the "unity of heaven and man" can be adapted to the ever-changing laws of nature.



By using simple mechanical motion to express the formation of “solar terms”, ”Dimensionality” uses electric energy to drive the mechanical shaft to rotate, so when that 24 grille blades simulate the revolution of the sun, the rules appear.


The blades are made of flexible materials, which can stay still when there is no wind in an orderly state; when there is wind, the blades can sway with the wind in a disordered state. It can consider as a natural visual performance.


Two concentric circles, one stationary and the other rotating at a constant speed around the center of the circle, simulate the rotation of the sun, and at the same time use the rotating motion and the texture of the material itself to fragment the light, presenting a more psychedelic lighting effect. By using light combines design, technology and materials to create an immersive lighting experience that senses the shifts of solar terms in color and light.


Traditional Chinese Colours

"Dimensionanlity" is based on traditional Chinese colors, extracts classical poems and collides with traditional calendars. The unique romance of Chinese people pours out.


Li Chun: ”Snow on the plum was blown by the east wind, Spring for the world was arrived after the vernal breeze.”
As the first one of the Twenty-four Solar terms, Li means "beginning"; Chun represents warmth and growth, marking the end of the lifeless winter and the beginning of the vitality spring.
It is represented by the traditional Chinese color, "Cang huang", "If the silk is dyed cyan, the colour will be cyan or it can be yellow if dyed yellow " —"Mo Zi·Suoran", which is both a gradient and a change in color.It is often used as a metaphor for the change of things.

Da Shu: ”Full moon opens the midnight time, fireflies light up the night sky.”
As the last one of the Twenty-four Solar terms, Shu means “hot”; Da Shu refers to the extreme heat moment which is the most intense and hottest solar term of the year.
The color for the rise of Da Shu is "Xilan", "The evening mist of the mountains makes the scenery looming with afterglow of the sunset" —"Wang Wei· MuLanChai", is the color of the residual sun dyed slightly reddish in the mountain mist at dusk; The color for the change of the Da Shu is "Jiangsha", which is like the Orange-red light silk mixed with the remaining hot of the day.


Han Lu:”Late autumn was found in startling, chrysanthemum turned yellow in the morning.”
As the late autumn festival of the Twenty-four Solar terms, it refers to the beginning of October in each year. The traditional customs of Han Lu mainly include touring among maples, eating sesame and crabs, drinking seasonal tea, etc. The color of maple was mentioned in “Xizhouqu” with description of a girl: “her thin clothes were as red as apricots, and her hair was as black as a little crow.”The color is like apricots mixed with yellow and red, which is like orange.


Xiao Xue:”Snowflakes fluttered into the window, green bamboo turned as a white jade.”
"Xue(snow)" is the result of water vapor cold, representing cold and precipitation, the temperature change at this time is not strong and the precipitation is not large, so "Xiao Xue" is used as a metaphor for the climate traits of this season.
It is usually represented by the traditional Chinese color “Xing Lang”. As “Xu Ji·ShouzengCao” described: When the clear air from the earth and heaven merges, the sky are as green as blue.””Xing Lang”also called “Xing Lan”which is the color image derived from the corresponds to the allusion to the stars.



Man and Nature  

"Dimensionality" is the energy embodiment of the sun's movement, and at the same time contains the vivid cultural energy of the Chinese nation. The ever-changing light interferes with our perception of the outside world unconsciously, and subtly affects our experience of different weather.


"As elegant as an orchid and green, as graceful as a dragon moving," the dancer’s steps take "dimension" as the background, expressing the beauty of rhythm between man and nature, and expressing the simple emotion of respecting nature and coexisting harmoniously with the weather and nature.
Taking light as the starting point, using the natural timing as the song, and the folk customs as the dance, the abstract things are presented in a more profound and simple way. Turning the replacement of solar terms into the imagination of color, dance and music requires mobilizing all the senses of the body to feel it and be immersed in the scene.


Artistic Objectives

The twenty-four solar terms are "the marks that Chinese people add to life with nature", and a set of "sensing devices" in the collective consciousness of the Chinese nation; and "dimension" is to return life to the beauty of rhythm, adapt to a beautiful vision that conforms to the rule of nature.


Nowadays, our sense of life rhythm is interfered by man-made situation, it is difficult to adapt to nature rhythm. Taking artificial lighting design as an example, more and more lighting projects are done. When night falls, advertising and neon lights on shopping malls and hotels dazzling just like the day.  In such a "city that never sleeps", the excessively strong light source caused by light intrusion affects the daily rest of others and making it difficult to fall asleep at night. It also disturbing the normal biological clock of the human body and resulting in low work efficiency during the day.

The sky was too bright to see the stars, which affected astronomical observation, aviation, etc., and many observatories were forced to stop working. According to astronomical statistics, when the sky is not polluted by light at night, about 7,000 stars can be seen, while in large cities where street lights, background lights, and landscape lights are scattered randomly, only about 20 to 60 stars can be seen. The sun, moon and stars have become the  beauty that we lost.


"Dimension" is the result of YAANK's exploration of light, culture and nature in lighting design. There needs to be a contrast between light and dark. Only when there is darkness can there be light; when there is darkness, we can see the light. Rather than a game between brightness and darkness, this is a radical approach, and the final result is multiple losses of energy and human nature。


Reject the pollution of light to the environment, but let light and darkness contrast with each other.

Because of the blank space of "darkness", the sun, moon, and stars look stunning.





The story of YAANK LAB continues !

YAANK LAB的故事还在继续
