Jiangshan, CN
Design & Manufacture: YAANK LAB
Equipment: Yizee Light
Location: CIPO(Jiangshan)
Design & Manufacture: YAANK LAB
Equipment: Yizee Light
Location: CIPO(Jiangshan)

When a distant star emits light and travels 149.6 million kilometers to reach this cloud-covered Earth, the light pierces the atmosphere and encounters molecules and particles in the air, refracting, and finally forming a sky with pure colors.
YAANK Lab has spent a year recording a series of beautiful skies and extracting their natural colors to create the work named 'Sky'.
当遥远的恒星放出光芒,穿越 1.496亿公里抵达这颗被云雾遮盖的地球,光线刺穿大气层时遇到空气中的分子、微粒发生折射,最终形成拥有纯粹色彩的天空。YAANK Lab用一年的时间记录下一系列绝美的天色,并提取天空的自然色彩创造了“青空”。
As time progresses and the course of one's life increases, one's experiences and routines are condensed and therefore exist in the depths of memory.
The so-called "meaning" of artistic expression is removed from the complexity of the work, and the memory is purely evoked. ’Sky’ follows the laws of nature, presenting time and memory in the work.
YAANK Lab has spent a year recording a series of beautiful skies and extracting their natural colors to create the work named 'Sky'.
当遥远的恒星放出光芒,穿越 1.496亿公里抵达这颗被云雾遮盖的地球,光线刺穿大气层时遇到空气中的分子、微粒发生折射,最终形成拥有纯粹色彩的天空。YAANK Lab用一年的时间记录下一系列绝美的天色,并提取天空的自然色彩创造了“青空”。
As time progresses and the course of one's life increases, one's experiences and routines are condensed and therefore exist in the depths of memory.
The so-called "meaning" of artistic expression is removed from the complexity of the work, and the memory is purely evoked. ’Sky’ follows the laws of nature, presenting time and memory in the work.

The switch to people's memories is often turned on inadvertently, perhaps because of a bowl of hot soup, perhaps because of a melody, or perhaps because of the sight of a glimpse of the sky on that day ....... Familiarity can bring back important, touching moments in one's life, like being awakened from a deep sleep. So we don't make the 'blue sky' a single thing, but rather we inject time and memory into the installation, bringing our own stories to the experience, seeing what we see...

"The circle is a symbol of traditional Chinese culture, a totem revered by the Chinese since ancient times, and the most emotionally charged figure for the Chinese. For thousands of years, the philosophical spirit generated by the agrarian culture, such as the ’fullmoon’, ’the way of the square and the circle’ and ‘the perfection of merit’, has nourished the Chinese people. "The circle has an irreplaceable place in people's hearts and has been a symbol of memory since ancient times.
Instead, we abandoned the traditional figurative expressions and used abstract 1/2 circle geometry and simple materials to create a simple, pure appearance, which is 'completed' by the reflection of the water.
Instead, we abandoned the traditional figurative expressions and used abstract 1/2 circle geometry and simple materials to create a simple, pure appearance, which is 'completed' by the reflection of the water.

We handmade this piece because we want it to be more than just a container, we want it to be a memory in itself, to be warm and unique.


Nature is the best colorist, and we have taken the colors from our photographs of the sky and chosen to use RGBW light sources for the presentation, with highly saturated triple primary color beads and chips with IC control for a more detailed presenting.

The sky was chosen as the color palette because we feel that it is a timeless and universal language that exists as a testimony to a specific time in our lives and therefore best expresses the concept of 'sky'.


It was in the summer of 2021 when we met with nature at Qiandao Lake in Cipo, where the sky was so beautiful that we couldn't resist recording it from early morning to late evening and into the night, and it was there that we first became interested in the sky and developed the idea of recording it. It was there that we first became interested in the sky and developed the idea of recording it. Therefore, when it came to choosing a place to present ‘Sky’, the Cipo was our first choice.

Cipo-Jiangshan was chosen because of a phrase on the Cipo website: "It's like going back to my childhood home", a short phrase full of emotions and memories.
The ten thousand acres of terraced fields are built on a hill in the middle of a small village with century old houses with yellow rammed earth walls, red and black tiles, wooden doors, windows and chairs, ancient trees in the courtyard...
万亩梯田依山而建,位于小小的村子中,百年的老房拥有黄色的夯土墙面、 搭配红黑色的瓦片、木质的门窗椅、 院落的古树...
The ten thousand acres of terraced fields are built on a hill in the middle of a small village with century old houses with yellow rammed earth walls, red and black tiles, wooden doors, windows and chairs, ancient trees in the courtyard...
万亩梯田依山而建,位于小小的村子中,百年的老房拥有黄色的夯土墙面、 搭配红黑色的瓦片、木质的门窗椅、 院落的古树...

Q & A
Q: It could be said that the key word in ‘SKY’ is memory, so what does memory mean?
A: I think "memory" should be a kind of accumulation, no matter good or bad, beautiful or not, right or wrong, all belong to each individual, only unique and unique without repetition, that is a kind of exclusive to oneself, pay attention to this value, will make this unique more meaningful.
Q: 你希望观众在你的装置前会有什么感觉?观众的角色又是什么 ?
Q: How do you want the audience to feel in front of your installation? And what is the role of the audience ?
A: 我希望观众的角色是自己本身,每个人都是独特的个体,观众独特的视角和感知完成了作品,对我来说,作品不需要过多解释,但它确实需要传播和交流。一眼看到的东西很少,而需要感受的东西则很多。
A: I want the audience's role to be their own; each person is a unique individual, and the audience's unique perspective and perception completes the work; for me, the work doesn't need much explanation, but it does need to be disseminated and communicated. There is very little to see at first glance, and much to feel.
Q: 是什么激发你的创作灵感 ?
Q: What inspires you to create?
A: 我喜欢观察自然和周遭事物,从中汲取灵感。当尝试让自己不要忽略生活中的小事,热衷于观察和记录,在某一刻灵感就会被激发 。
A: I love to observe nature and the things around me and draw inspiration from them. When trying not to lose sight of the little things in life and being keen to observe and record them, at some point inspiration will strike.
The story of YAANK LAB continues !
YAANK LAB的故事还在继续
( Thank you for the support of Cipo-Jiangshan! )
( 感谢西坡·江山的支持 )